
Salary calculator

Calculation result

Net salary, EUR 1442.01 EUR
Social tax 10.5% 210 EUR
Non-taxable minimum 100 EUR
Social tax, employer's part 23.59% 471.8
Business risk fee 0.36 EUR
Total employer's expenses 2472.16 EUR
Non-taxable amount for dependents
Non-taxable amount for disability
Personal income tax
* Information on the status of the payroll tax booklet, as well as applicable tax reliefs, including the individually calculated monthly non-taxable minimum determined by the State Revenue Service, can be found within the Electronic Declaration System (EDS) under the section "Home" -> "Payroll Tax Booklet." Please note that if the payroll tax booklet has been submitted to the employer, the employer applies the tax reliefs listed in the payroll tax booklet when calculating wages, thereby reducing the amount subject to personal income tax (PIT).


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