Net salary, EUR | 1524.01 EUR | |
Social tax | 10.5% | 210 EUR |
Non-taxable minimum | 510 EUR | |
Social tax, employer's part | 23.59% | 471.8 |
Business risk fee | 0.36 EUR | |
Total employer's expenses | 2472.16 EUR |
Calculated social tax:
Calculated social tax for pension insurance:
Calculated individual income tax:
Aprēķinātie nodokļu maksājumi kopā:
Uz rokas:
*results/data as per one calendar month
*You need to register as a value-added tax (VAT) payer if:
The tool and its results are for informational purposes only. The tool and its results do not constitute consultation, advice, recommendations, or an explanation of regulatory acts and circumstances. The results of using the tool are provided without taking into account the circumstances of each individual user and the conditions related to their economic activities. To obtain tax advice, it is necessary to seek individual consultation.
Vincit Online, SIA does not provide any guarantees regarding the accuracy and correctness of the tool and its results, as well as their compliance with regulatory requirements and the actual situation. Vincit Online, SIA is not liable for the consequences and losses that may arise from the use of the tool and its results.