
Salary calculator

Calculation result

Net salary, EUR 1524.01 EUR
Social tax 10.5% 210 EUR
Non-taxable minimum 510 EUR
Social tax, employer's part 23.59% 471.8
Business risk fee 0.36 EUR
Total employer's expenses 2472.16 EUR
Non-taxable amount for dependents
Non-taxable amount for disability
Personal income tax
* Information on the status of the payroll tax booklet, as well as applicable tax reliefs, including the individually calculated monthly non-taxable minimum determined by the State Revenue Service, can be found within the Electronic Declaration System (EDS) under the section "Home" -> "Payroll Tax Booklet." Please note that if the payroll tax booklet has been submitted to the employer, the employer applies the tax reliefs listed in the payroll tax booklet when calculating wages, thereby reducing the amount subject to personal income tax (PIT).
Sociālā nodokļa kalkulators

Self-employed data*

Calculated social tax:

Calculated social tax for pension insurance:

Calculated individual income tax:

Aprēķinātie nodokļu maksājumi kopā:

Uz rokas:

*results/data as per one calendar month

Self Employed Salary

Which tax payment regime to choose?

One of the conditions for successful economic activity is the correct choice of a suitable and most advantageous tax payment scheme. Equally important is for an experienced entrepreneur to keep an eye on changes in legislation and occasionally assess whether the tax payment scheme they have chosen is currently optimal.
If you plan to start economic activities or change your existing tax payment scheme, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the basic information about each of the available schemes!

Microenterprise tax

  • The micro business tax rate on revenue is 25%
  • The microenterprise tax payment scheme is not available to value-added tax (VAT) payers.
  • Expenses cannot be deducted from income.
  • Starting from 1 January 2024, micro-enterprise tax payers who also have employment income subject to personal income tax will be eligible to applying the non-taxable minimum and allowances for dependents (until 2024, these options were restricted by the by the limitations of the "Law on Personal Income Tax ").

Individual income tax

  • The individual income tax payment scheme involves mandatory payment of individual income tax and mandatory contributions to state social insurance from income generated through economic activity, i.e., profits.
  • The personal income tax rate (PIT) is applied depending on the taxable year's income, based on a PIT rate ranging from 25.5% to 33%. 25.5% līdz 33 %
  • Social contributions are calculated based on the general applicable rate of 31.07% at least from the minimum wage. Additionally, mandatory state social insurance contributions of 10% are paid on the difference between income and the minimum wage.
  • If income does not reach the level of the minimum wage, only a 10% contribution for pension insurance must be made.
  • Every quarter, by the 17th day of the month following that quarter, self-employed must submit reports, and by the 23rd day of the same month, the applicable taxes must be paid.
  • When applying the individual income tax, all the exemptions provided for in the individual income tax law are preserved.
  • An individual can choose the individual income tax payment scheme by registering under any of the following forms of business activity registration: individual entrepreneur or merchant, farmer or owner of a fishery, or by registering with the State Revenue Service as a person engaged in economic activity, i.e., a self-employed individual.
  • As of July 1, 2021, recipients of copyright royalties, when choosing to register their business activity, retain the option to apply a conditional expense rate of 25% or 50%.

Enterprise income tax

  • The enterprise income tax regime involves applying a 20% tax rate to that portion of profits that is distributed as dividends or used for purposes not directly related to entrepreneurial activities.
  • Dividends received by individuals from a company that is a payer of enterprise income tax are not subject to individual income tax.
  • Enterprise income tax is paid if a legal entity is registered under any form of legal entity, such as a limited liability company, a small capital limited liability company, or a joint-stock company.
  • When determining the taxable base for the application of the tax, the taxable object is divided by a coefficient of 0.8.
  • If a company's monthly turnover exceeds the size of five minimum monthly wages and the company has no employees receiving compensation of at least the minimum monthly wage, then the members of the management board are subject to a salary tax based on the minimum wage.

*You need to register as a value-added tax (VAT) payer if:

  • You receive services from a taxpayer in the European Union or third countries (with exceptions).
  • You provide services to a taxpayer in the European Union.
  • kalendāra gada ietvaros PVN apliekamo un neapliekamo darījumu summa ≥ 50 000 euro;
  • The cost of goods purchased within the European Union during the calendar year was ≥ 10,000 euros.


The tool and its results are for informational purposes only. The tool and its results do not constitute consultation, advice, recommendations, or an explanation of regulatory acts and circumstances. The results of using the tool are provided without taking into account the circumstances of each individual user and the conditions related to their economic activities. To obtain tax advice, it is necessary to seek individual consultation.

Vincit Online, SIA does not provide any guarantees regarding the accuracy and correctness of the tool and its results, as well as their compliance with regulatory requirements and the actual situation. Vincit Online, SIA is not liable for the consequences and losses that may arise from the use of the tool and its results.


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